Gál studied violoncello at State Conservatory in Bratislava with K.
Filipovič and at Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Bratislava
with J. Podhoranský, later at masterclasses with R. Wallfisch and
during studies he became a leader of cello group in many
international orchestras, such as Young artist`s festival - Bayreuth,
Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie and Idyllwild Summer Arts
Festival U.S.A. (1997-2001)
As a member of Zwiebel Quartet he finished summer masterclasses for string quartets Prague-Wien-Budapest in Reichenau (Austria) (by A. Berg Quartet, Amadeus Quartet, Smetana Quartet, Hagen Quartet, Quatuor Mosaique, Janáček Quartet, Bartok Quartet), where was Zwiebel Quartet awarded by Thomastik Infeld Preis. Members of quartet graduated also a semestral masterclass course for string quartets in Basel (Swiss), by W. Levin (La Salle Quartet) and R. Schmidt (Hagen Quartet).
Andrej Gal is a member of Slovak Chamber Orchestra since 2001 and became a solo-cellist in this orchestra in 2016.
is also a member of ensembles for contemporary music Veni Ensemble,
Ostravská banda and EnsembleSpectrum and cooperates (on a period
instrument) also with Musica Aeterna. In 2007 he co-founded Quasars
As a soloist he performed with Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava, under R. Kluttig, Slovak Philharmonic and P. Valentovič, Ostrava new orchestra with J. Kalitzke, Ostravska banda and O. Underhill, Slovak Chamber Orchestra with E. Danel, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra andState Philharmony Kosice with M. Lejava and with Quasars Ensemble and I. Buffa.
He periodically performs compositions for solo violoncello and is a dedicated interpret of contemporary music.
Gal is a member of improvisation group with composer Miro Tóth,
with whom hje co-founded Dystopic Requiem Quartet.